Thursday, March 17, 2011

Social Networking and Japan

Social networking sights have been a vital source for communication and information in the days after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. In the moments after the disaster struck, Twitter was the main form of communication. Because the phone lines were blocked out, people in Japan tweeted family and friends to let them know their situation. The amount of tweets coming out of Tokyo per minute was at 1,188, according to the “Tweet-o-Meter" shown above. The West Coast of the United States found out about the quake sooner than the rest of the world because of their earthquake threats, and they used Twitter to spread the message around the world.

People have also been communicating with their leaders as well. For example, a trending topic on Twitter in Japan has been #edano_nero, which, in Japanese, means “Sleep Edano.” Yukio Edano is the Japanese Cabinet secretary, and he has been working tirelessly for his people since the earthquake and tsunami hit. Another trending topic has been #kan_okiro, which means “Wake up Kan.” Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s approval ratings had dropped before the quake, and they have not improved since.

Outside of Japan, social networking sights have also been beneficial. With trending topics on Twitter, groups and events on Facebook, and even a button on Google that can take people to links on the latest news coming out of Japan, the world has been connected in the cause of aiding Japan. These sites are updating and informing people, and offering ways for people to give relief and aid. In many different ways, social networking sights have been an important part of Japan’s recovery.

Caring For Japan Long After 2011

The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan have significantly affected the country in a number of different ways. In addition the devastating damage and tragedy that has shocked Japan is not too different from the 2009 earthquake in Haiti.

As the nation of Haiti tried to rebuild its demolished country they struggled to wind up the money needed to do so. As a result, multiple organizations were established for Haitian relief. However, many of the organizations were established right after the earthquake took place and have since then dwindled though the Haitian problems have not.

The question is, how can we prevent this from happening to Japan? With the organizations established, the goals need not be the immediate solution to a nations plight, but instead solutions that would have lasting effects. So instead of setting up quick “texting” organizations or events like that, we need to look further and focus on developing organizations that would have a bigger impact on the countries and truly prove to be of a progressive nature.

Less than few hours, Tsunami swept metropolitan Japanese cities into the influx of dumpsters. However, Tsunami not only brought changes in the sociocultural geography in Japan but also the global geographic shift.

As a result of unprecedentedly massive Japanese Tsunami, the axis of rotation moved 16.5 cm and earth’s rotation velocity became 1.8 second per 100 million minute faster. Even the nearest neighbor, Korea has been shifted at least 5 meter to the Pacific Ocean. Due to Korean shift towards east, the risk of crash between Korea and Japan escalated.

Based on the prior experience of geographic shift caused by San Francescan and Chilean earthquakes (which moved the globe 2 meters), scientists are paying attention to the subtle movements in East Asia to prevent collision between continents and prospective problems in shifted countries.

Nuclear Threat in Japan

According to the New York Times, officials in Japan have began evacuating the areas surrounding the nuclear plants that were effected by the recent earthquake and tsunami. As radiation levels have increased over the last few days at the Fukushima plant, not only civilians in the area surrounding the plants have been evacuated, but emergency workers who were sent to the plant to try and prevent an explosion have left the area. A blast at reactor number three at the plant was the initial incident that has now escalated into a full-fledged nuclear crisis in Japan.
The subsequent explosions at the plant have left Japan in a dangerous situation. The threat of a large-scale nuclear explosion has now become a stark reality in Japan. All that stands between the plant and a nuclear meltdown are 50 loyal workers at the plant. Already, these workers are being regarded by many as heroes for their bravery in the face of extreme danger in an attempt to prevent even more disaster.
Fuel rods that have become extremely overheated are the main source of the problem at the Fukushima plant, and cooling attempts so far have been ineffective. Now, workers have resorted to constantly spraying the rods with cool water in an attempt to prevent another fire or explosion to the damaged rods. This danger not only effects the immediate safety of the workers of the plant and those in the area, but if the plant were to have a large nuclear meltdown, the effects could be felt as far as the West Coast of the United States.

No electricity affects more than just Japan

Temperatures are below freezing. In some places, there is even snow. Less than a week after the major disaster, it is still as if that day has not ended for the Japanese. Without electricity and heat, the Japanese are suffering extreme consequences. For one example, a two-year-old child’s life is threatened by the loss of power. Maleek Cavanagh has tracheostomy and uses a pump at home to help breathe. Though it runs on AC power, it needs electricity to charge after one hour. For Maleek, electricity is a necessity, not a luxury.

Due to the lack of electrical energy, Japanese companies are trying to preserve power. However, this does not affect Japan alone. Because electronic and automobile companies are suspending production, Chinese exports will be affected as well. Such companies include Toyota, Nikon, and Sony. Japanese plants also provide 60% of silicon in the world used in LCD panels. 35% of flash memory used in high-tech products are manufactured in Japan as well, slowing down the production of devices such as the new iPad 2. If enough energy cannot be generated to make these key components, other companies will be negatively affected since they will have to suspend some products until the electrical problem in Japan is fixed.

In Japan’s busiest city, Tokyo, power supplies have been cut by a quarter, resulting in blackouts lasting several hours. Though these blackouts are temporary, they the city will be in this state for an estimated six months. According to Citigroup, “Japan may face ‘irreversible’ damage to power-supply capacity from the March 11 earthquake, limiting business activity.”

Business in Japan

The recent earthquake and tsunami in japan has already had astronomical affects on business and economy. With all the power outages and building destruction business is almost impossible to do at this time. No one can get to work in the midst of this destruction. How will the economy be affected by this?

This business downfall could result from the high cost it will take to rebuild Japan after this tragedy. With towns completely washed away it is expected to take up to $200 billion dollars to rebuild the shattered nation. Japan has the third highest economy in the world, but after the quake it is unsure whether or not they will be able to keep this title.

Japans agricultural business will greatly feel the effects of the tsunami and quakes. These before and after photos show how fields and grassy areas were completely ruined by the waves that carried hazardous materials. Once grassy and green, they are now brown and dead. Japan also accounted for 15% of the worlds fish catching, which also will be affected because of the disastrous affects of the the tsunami and quake. The radiation emitted from the shaken nuclear plant is expected to contaminate fish is the winds change directions. Overall, the quake and tsunami are expected to have astronomical affects of Japan’s business industry.

Post-Tsunami & Earthquake Health Issues in Japan

The 8.9 Earthquake and the following tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, has left Japan devastated. The people of Japan's health is at risk due to the contaminated waters, polluted airs, the nuclear plants, and more. There are immediate health concerns, secondary effects, and long- lasting health effects that are affecting Japan. After the rescue of survivors, clean water, food, and shelter are primary public health issues. Due to the tsunami and the earthquake, physical injuries, such as broken bones and head injuries, have afflicted the people of Japan. Also contributing to the people's distress and taking a toll on their health is the lack of healthcare and medical care as well as contaminated waters and widespread debris.

Another very serious health issue in Japan has to do with the nuclear reactors and the increasing exposure to radiation. At the moment, only the workers are affected by the radiation. The Japanese Health Ministry raised the legal limit of radiation exposure to 250 millisieverts a year to enable the 50 or so workers efforts to bring the nuclear power plant back under control. The workers are currently struggling to cool overheating nuclear reactors, exposing themselves to the radiation. The radiation causes both stochastic and non-stochastic health effects, which could include cancer, changes in DNA, mutations, burns, and other sicknesses depending on how exposed they are.

The earthquake and tsunami have hurt the people of Japan physically and emotionally. The destruction has left the people vulnerable to health risks.Hopefully, Japan will be back on its feet with the help of other countries soon.

International Aid Provided to Japan

Ninety-one countries have thus far offered to assist with relief efforts from last Friday’s earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Among these countries include Pakistan, Bolivia, China. Not only are global countries pitching in for humanitarian aid, but nine international organizations have offered their help as well. Unlike Haiti and Indonesia, Japan is typically not a country considered to be in need of wide-scale international aid. Despite this, up to $25 million has been estimated in donations to nonprofit organizations—far less than the money raised for Haiti.

Among these global organizations donating to the cause is the American Red Cross. Since March 12, the Red Cross has stationed a disaster management expert to aid, advise, and provide high-level support to the Japanese Red Cross, which continues to head the earthquake and tsunami response. So far, the American Red Cross has provided shelter and about 30,000 blankets to those who were able to evacuate before the tsunami. The organization is allowing those who want to help to text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

Aid to the Japanese has also come in the form of Doctors Without Borders, a non-governmental organization known for its project in war-torn areas and developing countries. On March 11, two teams from Doctors Without Borders arrived in Sendai, and three additional teams were sent the following day. While the organization praised Japan’s efforts to manage this large disaster, they still responded to the disaster as needed. This global aid, whether it may be in the form of monetary donations or needed supplies, has been tremendous. However, there is still a long way to go!

LINDY'S PARAGRAPHS... Obama and the Japan Crisis.

The United States plans to assist Japan after all the devastation that has occurred this past week, however has its own recommendations to Americans in Japan. Recommended by the US, people within 50 mile of the plant’s station number four. Japan is one of the most prepared and capable countries and will be able to deal with disaster relief, said the US Embassy.
The US and Japan have a close relationship, working together on a daily basis, leading them to provide an initial $100,000 in immediate disaster relief. Obama promised his full support and assistance to reconstruct Japan, this ranges from sending nuclear experts to building materials. Not only that, but the US is allowing families of troops stationed on the Japanese island of Honshu to leave.
Obama will make another statement on Japan on March 17th 2011. This earthquake has claimed the live of more than 10,000 people with hundreds of thousands expected.

Prime Minister Kan's Response

The Japanese Prime Minister Kan has been in communication with President Obama to assess and discuss the ongoing relief efforts for the people of Japan. Kan believes that the country is facing its most gruesome challenge since World War II. The explosion at the nuclear power plant located in .The prime minister is worried that any late delays in response will cause long-term side effects. Naoto Kan believes a stern and focused approach is the best immediate response. Kan said on Tuesday, “the earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear incident have been the biggest crisis Japan has encountered in the 65 years since the end of World War II.”
Parliament has meet to discuss how effective the immediate response by the government was in terms of assisting in the damage. Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power station has been paid visits by both the prime minister and the Tokyo Electric Power Co. Kan appreciates the U.S. suggestion its citizens not leave immediately like the British and French embassies.
Obama and other foreign leaders will all reach out to Prime Minister Kan and release statements. Kan will then give his response.

Disaster Proofing

In the wake of the recent disasters in Japan, people around the world are questioning the safety measures that may or may not have prepared the country from the devastation they are facing now. It is well known that Japan, located in an earthquake prone region of the Earth, has taken earthquake-preventative steps in past years, to prepare themselves for future quakes. Buildings are built so that they move slightly with tremors instead of collapsing immediately.
Most notable is Japan’s early earthquake warning system. Less than 4 years old, the system’s purpose is to “outrun” an earthquake. At the epicenter, the system can detect tremors 10 seconds before they start, while obviously giving places farther away from the epicenter a longer notice. Because Japan is so centered on technology and immediate communication, the warning is able to reach a significant amount of people before disaster strikes. However, the power outage that is afflicting much of Japan at the moment is proving to be an obstacle in relation to aftershocks because people do not have access to instant communication. And although Japan has made the most strides in earthquake detection, it still lacks early detection for Tsunamis. Scientists are still working on a way to improve their early detection methods so that Japan can be just as prepped for Tsunamis as they are for earthquakes.
For the United States, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan may serve as wake-up calls to our own unpreparedness. Many US medical facilities have no plans to detect radiation in humans were we to have a nuclear crisis, like Japan is dealing right now. If, for some reason, we were to face a nuclear crisis, many would become ill and doctors would not be able to detect the source. For now, ordinary Americans should anticipate disaster by simply being prepared. Necessities for disaster kits include: flashlight, radio, food, lots of water, a heavy duty breathing mask, light sticks, and a first aid kit. If the United States is struck by anything as terrible as Japan, these will be the first things necessary for survival, good help, and reconstruction.