Thursday, March 17, 2011

Business in Japan

The recent earthquake and tsunami in japan has already had astronomical affects on business and economy. With all the power outages and building destruction business is almost impossible to do at this time. No one can get to work in the midst of this destruction. How will the economy be affected by this?

This business downfall could result from the high cost it will take to rebuild Japan after this tragedy. With towns completely washed away it is expected to take up to $200 billion dollars to rebuild the shattered nation. Japan has the third highest economy in the world, but after the quake it is unsure whether or not they will be able to keep this title.

Japans agricultural business will greatly feel the effects of the tsunami and quakes. These before and after photos show how fields and grassy areas were completely ruined by the waves that carried hazardous materials. Once grassy and green, they are now brown and dead. Japan also accounted for 15% of the worlds fish catching, which also will be affected because of the disastrous affects of the the tsunami and quake. The radiation emitted from the shaken nuclear plant is expected to contaminate fish is the winds change directions. Overall, the quake and tsunami are expected to have astronomical affects of Japan’s business industry.

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