Thursday, March 17, 2011

Disaster Proofing

In the wake of the recent disasters in Japan, people around the world are questioning the safety measures that may or may not have prepared the country from the devastation they are facing now. It is well known that Japan, located in an earthquake prone region of the Earth, has taken earthquake-preventative steps in past years, to prepare themselves for future quakes. Buildings are built so that they move slightly with tremors instead of collapsing immediately.
Most notable is Japan’s early earthquake warning system. Less than 4 years old, the system’s purpose is to “outrun” an earthquake. At the epicenter, the system can detect tremors 10 seconds before they start, while obviously giving places farther away from the epicenter a longer notice. Because Japan is so centered on technology and immediate communication, the warning is able to reach a significant amount of people before disaster strikes. However, the power outage that is afflicting much of Japan at the moment is proving to be an obstacle in relation to aftershocks because people do not have access to instant communication. And although Japan has made the most strides in earthquake detection, it still lacks early detection for Tsunamis. Scientists are still working on a way to improve their early detection methods so that Japan can be just as prepped for Tsunamis as they are for earthquakes.
For the United States, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan may serve as wake-up calls to our own unpreparedness. Many US medical facilities have no plans to detect radiation in humans were we to have a nuclear crisis, like Japan is dealing right now. If, for some reason, we were to face a nuclear crisis, many would become ill and doctors would not be able to detect the source. For now, ordinary Americans should anticipate disaster by simply being prepared. Necessities for disaster kits include: flashlight, radio, food, lots of water, a heavy duty breathing mask, light sticks, and a first aid kit. If the United States is struck by anything as terrible as Japan, these will be the first things necessary for survival, good help, and reconstruction.

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