According to the New York Times, officials in Japan have began evacuating the areas surrounding the nuclear plants that were effected by the recent earthquake and tsunami. As radiation levels have increased over the last few days at the Fukushima plant, not only civilians in the area surrounding the plants have been evacuated, but emergency workers who were sent to the plant to try and prevent an explosion have left the area. A blast at reactor number three at the plant was the initial incident that has now escalated into a full-fledged nuclear crisis in Japan.
The subsequent explosions at the plant have left Japan in a dangerous situation. The threat of a large-scale nuclear explosion has now become a stark reality in Japan. All that stands between the plant and a nuclear meltdown are 50 loyal workers at the plant. Already, these workers are being regarded by many as heroes for their bravery in the face of extreme danger in an attempt to prevent even more disaster.Fuel rods that have become extremely overheated are the main source of the problem at the Fukushima plant, and cooling attempts so far have been ineffective. Now, workers have resorted to constantly spraying the rods with cool water in an attempt to prevent another fire or explosion to the damaged rods. This danger not only effects the immediate safety of the workers of the plant and those in the area, but if the plant were to have a large nuclear meltdown, the effects could be felt as far as the West Coast of the United States.
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